URI Online Judge Solution 1252 - Data Structure | 1252 - Sort sort and sort - Online Judge Solution


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Saturday, May 11, 2019

URI Online Judge Solution 1252 - Data Structure | 1252 - Sort sort and sort

URI Online Judge Solution Data Structure | 1252 - Sort sort and sort

URI Online Judge Solution SQL | 1252 Sort sort and sort  | Beginner

Problem Name: Data Structure | Sort sort and sort
Problem Number : URI - Data Structure | 1252 Sort sort and sort
Online Judge : URI Online Judge Solution
Category: Data Structure
Solution Language : Data Structure

URI Online Judge Solution 1252 - Data Structure | 1252 - Sort sort and sort: Using C++

using namespace std;
int m;
bool comp (int a, int b){
    if (b%m == a%m)
        if(abs(a)%2 ==abs(b)%2){
            if (a%2 != 0){
                return a > b;
                return b > a;
        return abs(a)%2 > abs(b)%2; 
    return a%m < b%m;
int main()
    int n;
    int a[n];
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
    cout<<n<<" "<<m<<endl;
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
    printf("0 0n");

URI Online Judge Solution 1252 - Data Structure | 1252 - Sort sort and sort: Using C Language

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

int M;

bool comp (int a, int b){
    if (b%M == a%M){ /// retorna primeiro os impares e depois os pares;
        if(abs(a)%2 ==abs(b)%2){ ///comparando dois pares ou dois impares
            if (a%2 != 0){ ///impares
                return a > b;
            }else{ ///a e b s?o pares
                return b > a;
        return abs(a)%2 > abs(b)%2; /// impares antes dos pares
    return a%M < b%M;

int main()
	int N, cont;

	scanf("%d", &N);
	scanf("%d", &M);

	while(N!=0 && M!=0)
		int vetor[N];
		printf("%d %d\n", N, M);

			scanf("%d", &vetor[cont]);


			printf("%d\n", vetor[cont]);

		scanf("%d", &N);
		scanf("%d", &M);

	printf("0 0\n");

	return 0;


Tags: URI Online Judge Solution, URI OJ Solution list, URI Problems Solution, URI solver, URI all problem solution list, URI SQL |URI Online Judge Solution 1252 - Data Structure | 1252 - Sort sort and sort, URI 1252 URI Online Judge Solution 1252 - Data Structure | 1252 - Sort sort and sort

1 comment:

  1. do you just copy paste the solution from another blog or github? don't you solve it by yourself? i have found the exact same solution with the same comments (written in another human language) that has been published about 4 years ago obviously before publishing your solution.
