URI Online Judge Solution 1021 Banknotes and Coins - URI 1021 Solution in C, C++, Java, Python and C#
URI Online Judge Solution 1021 Banknotes and Coins | BeginnerURI Problem Link - URI 1021 Banknotes and Coins Problem - https://www.urionlinejudge.com.br/judge/en/problems/view/1021
Problem Name: 1021 Banknotes and Coins code
Problem Number : URI - 1021 Banknotes and Coins solution
Online Judge : URI Online Judge Solution
Category: Beginner
Solution Language : C,C plus plus, java, python, c#(c sharp)
URI Solution 1021 Banknotes and Coins Code in C / URI 1021 solution in C:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int n100, n50, n20, n10, n5, n2;
int m1, m50, m25, m10, m05, m01;
double n;
scanf("%lf", &n);
int notas = n;
int moedas = (n - notas) * 100;
if((moedas * 1000) % 10 == 9){
n100 = notas/100;
notas = notas%100;
n50 = notas/50;
notas = notas%50;
n20 = notas/20;
notas = notas%20;
n10 = notas/10;
notas = notas%10;
n5 = notas/5;
notas = notas%5;
n2 = notas/2;
notas = notas%2;
m1 = notas/1;
notas = notas%1;
m50 = moedas/50;
moedas = moedas%50;
m25 = moedas/25;
moedas = moedas%25;
m10 = moedas/10;
moedas = moedas%10;
m05 = moedas/5;
moedas = moedas%5;
m01 = moedas/1;
printf("%d nota(s) de R$ 100.00\n", n100);
printf("%d nota(s) de R$ 50.00\n", n50);
printf("%d nota(s) de R$ 20.00\n", n20);
printf("%d nota(s) de R$ 10.00\n", n10);
printf("%d nota(s) de R$ 5.00\n", n5);
printf("%d nota(s) de R$ 2.00\n", n2);
printf("%d moeda(s) de R$ 1.00\n", m1);
printf("%d moeda(s) de R$ 0.50\n", m50);
printf("%d moeda(s) de R$ 0.25\n", m25);
printf("%d moeda(s) de R$ 0.10\n", m10);
printf("%d moeda(s) de R$ 0.05\n", m05);
printf("%d moeda(s) de R$ 0.01\n", m01);
return 0;
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URI Solution 1021 Banknotes and Coins Code / URI 1002 solution in CPP:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
double n100, n50, n20, n10, n5, n2;
double m1, m50, m25, m10, m05, m01;
double n;
cin >> n;
int notas = n;
int moedas = (n - notas) * 100;
if((moedas * 1000) % 10 == 9){
n100 = notas/100;
notas = notas%100;
n50 = notas/50;
notas = notas%50;
n20 = notas/20;
notas = notas%20;
n10 = notas/10;
notas = notas%10;
n5 = notas/5;
notas = notas%5;
n2 = notas/2;
notas = notas%2;
m1 = notas/1;
notas = notas%1;
m50 = moedas/50;
moedas = moedas%50;
m25 = moedas/25;
moedas = moedas%25;
m10 = moedas/10;
moedas = moedas%10;
m05 = moedas/5;
moedas = moedas%5;
m01 = moedas/1;
cout << "NOTAS:" << endl;
cout << n100 << " nota(s) de R$ 100.00" << endl;
cout << n50 << " nota(s) de R$ 50.00" << endl;
cout << n20 << " nota(s) de R$ 20.00" << endl;
cout << n10 << " nota(s) de R$ 10.00" << endl;
cout << n5 << " nota(s) de R$ 5.00" << endl;
cout << n2 << " nota(s) de R$ 2.00" << endl;
cout << "MOEDAS:" << endl;
cout << m1 << " moeda(s) de R$ 1.00" << endl;
cout << m50 << " moeda(s) de R$ 0.50" << endl;
cout << m25 << " moeda(s) de R$ 0.25" << endl;
cout << m10 << " moeda(s) de R$ 0.10" << endl;
cout << m05 << " moeda(s) de R$ 0.05" << endl;
cout << m01 << " moeda(s) de R$ 0.01" << endl;
return 0;
URI Solution 1021 Banknotes and Coins Code / URI 1021 Banknotes and Coins solution in Java:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
float x;
int note100,note50,note20,note10,note5,note2;
int moeda1,moeda5,moeda25,moeda10,moeda05,moeda01;
int reminder100;
Scanner input=new Scanner(System.in);
x = input.nextFloat();
note100 =(int) x / 100;
reminder100 = (int) (x % 100);
note50 = (reminder100) / 50;
note20 = (reminder100 % 50 )/ 20;
note10 = ((reminder100 % 50 )% 20) / 10;
note5 = (((reminder100 % 50 )% 20) % 10) / 5;
note2 = (((reminder100 % 50 )% 20) % 5) / 2;
//------ MOEDAS: ------------//
moeda1 = (((((reminder100 % 50 )% 20) % 5) % 2) / 1);
float reminderMoeda = (float) (((((reminder100 % 50 )% 20) % 5) % 2));
float meda5Float = (float) ((reminderMoeda % 1) / .5);
moeda5 = (int) (meda5Float);
moeda25 = (int) (((((((reminder100 % 50 )% 20) % 5) % 2) % 1) % .5) / .25);
moeda10 = (int) ((((((((reminder100 % 50 )% 20) % 5) % 2) % 1) % .5) % .25) / .1);
moeda05 = (int) (((((((((reminder100 % 50 )% 20) % 5) % 2) % 1) % .5) % .25) % .1) / .05);
moeda01 = (int) ((((((((((reminder100 % 50 )% 20) % 5) % 2) % 1) % .5) % .25) % .1) % .05) / .01);
System.out.print(note100 +" nota(s) de R$ 100.00\n");
System.out.print(note50 +" nota(s) de R$ 50.00\n");
System.out.print(note20 +" nota(s) de R$ 20.00\n");
System.out.print(note10 +" nota(s) de R$ 10.00\n");
System.out.print(note5 +" nota(s) de R$ 5.00\n");
System.out.print(note2 +" nota(s) de R$ 2.00\n\n");
System.out.print(moeda1 +" moeda(s) de R$ 1.00\n");
System.out.print(meda5Float +" moeda(s) de R$ 0.50\n");
System.out.print(moeda25 +" moeda(s) de R$ 0.25\n");
System.out.print(moeda10 +" moeda(s) de R$ 0.10\n");
System.out.print(moeda05 +" moeda(s) de R$ 0.05\n");
System.out.print(moeda01 +" moeda(s) de R$ 0.01\n");
URI Solution 1021Code / URI 1021 Banknotes and Coins solution in Python:
value = eval(input());
cem = cinquenta = vinte = dez = cinco = dois = um = 0;
cincents = vintecincents = dezcents = cincocents = cents = 0;
value = float("%.2f" % value)
if int(value/100) >= 1:
cem = int(value/100);
value -= cem*100;
value = float("%.2f" % value)
if int(value/50) >= 1:
cinquenta = int(value/50);
value -= cinquenta*50;
value = float("%.2f" % value)
if int(value/20) >= 1:
vinte = int(value/20.00);
value -= vinte*20;
value = float("%.2f" % value)
if int(value/10) >= 1:
dez = int(value/10);
value -= dez*10.00;
value = float("%.2f" % value)
if int(value/5) >= 1:
cinco = int(value/5);
value -= cinco*5;
value = float("%.2f" % value)
if int(value/2) >= 1:
dois = int(value/2);
value -= dois*2;
value = float("%.2f" % value)
if int(value/1) >= 1:
um = int(value/1);
value -= um*1;
value = float("%.2f" % value)
if int(value/0.50) >= 1:
cincents = int(value/0.50);
value -= cincents*0.50;
value = float("%.2f" % value)
if int(value/0.25) >= 1:
vintecincents = int(value/0.25);
value -= vintecincents*0.25;
value = float("%.2f" % value)
if int(value/0.10) >= 1:
dezcents = int(value/0.10);
value -= dezcents*0.10;
value = float("%.2f" % value)
if int(value/0.05) >= 1:
cincocents = int(value/0.05);
value -= cincocents*0.05;
value = float("%.2f" % value)
if int(value/0.01) >= 0.998:
cents = int(value/0.01);
value -= cents*0.01;
print("%d nota(s) de R$ 100.00" % cem);
print("%d nota(s) de R$ 50.00" % cinquenta);
print("%d nota(s) de R$ 20.00" % vinte);
print("%d nota(s) de R$ 10.00" % dez);
print("%d nota(s) de R$ 5.00" % cinco);
print("%d nota(s) de R$ 2.00" % dois);
print("%d moeda(s) de R$ 1.00" % um);
print("%d moeda(s) de R$ 0.50" % cincents);
print("%d moeda(s) de R$ 0.25" % vintecincents);
print("%d moeda(s) de R$ 0.10" % dezcents);
print("%d moeda(s) de R$ 0.05" % cincocents);
print("%d moeda(s) de R$ 0.01" % cents);
URI Solution 1021Code / URI 1021 Banknotes and Coins solution in C# (C Sharp):
It's a problem of URI online Judge to convert notes. Use reminder to get the notes part and try..
Just implement this in coding. Since having any problem just put a comment below. Thanks
Tags: URI Online Judge Solution, URI OJ Solution list, URI Problems Solution, URI solver, URI all problem solution list, URI Banknotes and Coins code in C, URI 1021 code in C++, URI Banknotes and Coins solution in C, URI solution, URI 1021 Banknotes and Coins solution in C,URI 1021 Banknotes and Coins solution in C++-CPP,URI 1021 solution in C# (C sharp),URI 1021 Banknotes and Coins solution in Java,URI 1021 Banknotes and Coins solution in Python,
Can you please explain the following block of code?
ReplyDeletecin >> n;
int notas = n;
int moedas = (n - notas) * 100;
if((moedas * 1000) % 10 == 9){
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ReplyDeleteimport java.util.*;
ReplyDeletepublic class Main
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan=new Scanner(System.in);
double amount = scan.nextDouble();
int hundred = (int)(amount/100);
int fifty = (int)((amount % 100)/50);
int twenty = (int)((amount % 100 % 50)/20);
int ten = (int)((amount % 100 % 50 % 20)/10);
int five = (int)((amount % 100 % 50 % 20 % 10)/5);
int two = (int)((amount % 100 % 50 % 20 % 10 % 5)/2);
int one = (int)((amount % 100 % 50 % 20 % 10 % 5 % 2)/1);
int pointfifty = (int)((amount % 100 % 50 % 20 % 10 % 5 % 2 % 1)/0.50);
int pointtwentyfive = (int)((amount % 100 % 50 % 20 % 10 % 5 % 2 % 1 % 0.50)/0.25);
int pointten = (int)((amount % 100 % 50 % 20 % 10 % 5 % 2 % 1 % 0.50 % 0.25)/0.10);
int poinfive = (int)((amount % 100 % 50 % 20 % 10 % 5 % 2 % 1 % 0.50 % 0.25 % 0.10)/0.05);
int pointone = (int)((amount % 100 % 50 % 20 % 10 % 5 % 2 % 1 % 0.50 % 0.25 % 0.10 % 0.05)/0.01);
System.out.println(hundred +" nota(s) de R$ 100.00");
System.out.println(fifty +" nota(s) de R$ 50.00");
System.out.println(twenty +" nota(s) de R$ 20.00");
System.out.println(ten +" nota(s) de R$ 10.00");
System.out.println(five +" nota(s) de R$ 5.00");
System.out.println( two+" nota(s) de R$ 2.00");
System.out.println(one +" moeda(s) de R$ 1.00");
System.out.println(pointfifty +" moeda(s) de R$ 0.50");
System.out.println(pointtwentyfive +" moeda(s) de R$ 0.25");
System.out.println(pointten +" moeda(s) de R$ 0.10");
System.out.println(poinfive +" moeda(s) de R$ 0.05");
System.out.println(pointone +" moeda(s) de R$ 0.01");
explain me why my code is wrong???