About Us - Online Judge Solution


It is a free Online judges problems solution list. Here you can find UVA online Judge Solution, URI Online Judge Solution, Code Marshal Online Judge Solution, Spoz Online Judge Problems Solution

About Us

Hello, Programmer
Welcome to our Online Judge Solution Site.

For whose the site for ?
It's a site for programmer. For the peoples, who loves to code, loves to solve the online programming judge problem's. When facing problem in a simple programming problem and in stuck a few days, only then we are here..You can find some easiest solutions of Online programming judge's problems in different programming languages.

Who am I ?
I'm Maniruzzaman Akash. Student of Patuakhali Science And Technology University. Currently, I'm studying at Computer Science Department (2017) at 5th Semester.

What is the reason for this site ?
When I've joined in this University (PSTU), I feel very interested in Computer Programming. I'd got a smell of life, a smell of hard working and a smell of lough which gives me this Programming.
In my first semester, I'v completed the basic of C programming. Then one by one completed Java programming language and finally the programming best language C++ has completed.

When I got in stuck ?
I had learned about online programming judge. My start was URI online Judge
I try to solve the basic beginner level's programs there. I was anxious again and again after submitting the solution and get the error - "Presentation error" or "Runtime error" and so on..

I had searched in the internet about the problem's with explanation, but I couldn't find a nice solution which was helpful for me..
And from then, I wanted to help the beginner level programmer who were novice to programming and they needed to learn something about coding before entering here.

So what is inside the site ?
Here, I've added the Online programming judge's solution with simple explanation in different programming languages like C, C++, Java, Pythong or C#..
So now, having any stuck in your coding and after trying it one day and you are a failure, then come here, see what's your fault / wrong and try to recover that problem and make your own code after realizing the basic algorithm of that code.

Are these codes 100% correct ?
Sorry, not always. Reason: I've added here a solution in different programming language. Like C, C++, Python, C#. And almost every programming languages are the same as in basic. So, your work will be check every program in your compiler first and then submit it to online judge.
So, in this site, you can get UVA problems solutions, URI problems solution and after you may get SPOZ problem solution, Code Marsha Problem Solution and etc.
And if you get any problem to any solution, you can easily just put a comment in comment box. I'm always available to reply your comments.

See the tutorials in YouTube

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Do you have a report or a feedback ?
Yes, I appreciate you. Go to comment page and make a comment with entering your email and send me. I'll try to reply as soon as possible. Thanks..

Need to personally connect with me ?

You can Contact with me by these links easily,
My Primary Email : manirujjamanakash@gmail.com
My Facebook Link : www.facebook.com/maniruzzaman. akash
My Google Plus Profile : https://plus. google.com/+ManirujjamanAkashChanel
My Twitter Account : https://twitter.com/Akash_PSTU
Contact No : +8801951233084


My StackOverflow Account: https://stackoverflow.com/users/5543577/maniruzzaman-akash
My GitHub Account: https://github.com/ManiruzzamanAkash

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