Hackerrank solution Plus Minus - Solution in C | Algorithm - Online Judge Solution


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Saturday, May 6, 2017

Hackerrank solution Plus Minus - Solution in C | Algorithm

Hackerrank solution Plus Minus - Solution in C | Algorithm

HackerRank Online Judge Solution Plus Minus  | Data structures
HackerRank Main Problem Link - https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/plus-minus

Problem Name: HackerRank Problem  Plus Minus
Problem Number : HackerRank Problem Plus Minus Solution

Online Judge : HackerRank Online Judge Solution
Category: Algorithm
Solution Language : C, C plus plus

Hackerrank solution Plus Minus - Solution in C | Algorithm

HackerRank Solution Plus Minus Code in C:

int main()
    int n, i, positives = 0, negatives = 0, zeros = 0;
    float answernegative = 0.0, answerPositive = 0.0, answerZero = 0.0;
    int number;

    scanf("%d", &n);
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
       scanf("%d", &number);
       if(number > 0)
            positives += 1;

        else if(number < 0)
            negatives += 1;

           zeros += 1;


    answerPositive = (float)positives/n;
    answernegative = (float)negatives/n;
    answerZero = (float)zeros/n;

    printf("%.6f\n%.6f\n%.6f\n", answerPositive, answernegative, answerZero);

    return 0;


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