UVA Solution 172 - Calculator Language - Solution in C++ | Volume 1
UVA Online Judge Solution 172- Calculator Language | Volume 1
Problem Name: Calculator Language
Problem Number : UVA - 172
Online Judge : UVA Online Judge Solution
Volume: 1
Solution Language : C plus plus
UVA Solution 172 Code in CPP:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stack> #include <string.h> #include <algorithm> #include <ctype.h> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> using namespace std; int priority_op(char c) { switch(c) { case '(':return -1; case '=':return 3; case '+': case '-':return 1; case '*': case '/':return 2; } puts("ERROR"); return -1; } void trans(char infix[], char buffer[]) { int len = strlen(infix); char *ptr = buffer; stack<char> op; *ptr = '\0'; for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if(infix[i] == '_' || isdigit(infix[i]) || isalpha(infix[i])) { while(infix[i] == '_' || isdigit(infix[i]) || isalpha(infix[i])) { if(infix[i] == '_') sprintf(ptr, "-"); else sprintf(ptr, "%c", infix[i]); while(*ptr) ptr++; i++; } sprintf(ptr, " "); while(*ptr) ptr++; i--; }else { if(infix[i] == ' ') continue; if(infix[i] == ')') { while(!op.empty() && op.top() != '(') { sprintf(ptr, "%c ", op.top()), op.pop(); while(*ptr) ptr++; } op.pop(); } else { if(infix[i] != '(') { if(infix[i] == '=') { while(!op.empty() && priority_op(op.top()) > priority_op(infix[i])) { sprintf(ptr, "%c ", op.top()), op.pop(); while(*ptr) ptr++; } } else { while(!op.empty() && priority_op(op.top()) > priority_op(infix[i]) && op.top() != '=') { sprintf(ptr, "%c ", op.top()), op.pop(); while(*ptr) ptr++; } } } op.push(infix[i]); } } } while(!op.empty()) { sprintf(ptr, "%c ", op.top()), op.pop(); while(*ptr) ptr++; } } int Variable[26] = {}, oldVal[26] = {}; string to_string(int number) { stringstream ss;//create a stringstream ss << number;//add number to the stream return ss.str();//return a string with the contents of the stream } struct TreeNode { string A, B, OP; int l, r; TreeNode(string a="", string b="", string op=""): A(a), B(b), OP(op) {} }; TreeNode node[1024]; int runTree(int label) { string A = node[label].A; string B = node[label].B; int a, b; if(node[label].OP == "LEAF") { if(isalpha(A[0])) a = Variable[A[0] - 'A']; else a = atoi(A.c_str()); return a; } b = runTree(node[label].r); a = runTree(node[label].l); // printf("%d %d\n", a, b); // cout << A << ", " << B << ", " << node[label].OP << endl; switch(node[label].OP[0]) { case '+': a = a + b; break; case '-': a = a - b; break; case '*': a = a * b; break; case '/': a = a / b; break; case '=': a = b; if(isalpha(A[0])) { Variable[A[0] - 'A'] = a; cout << A << " -- " << a << endl; } break; } return a; } void buildTree(char postfix[]) { stringstream sin(postfix); string token, A, B; stack<string> stk; stack<int> nodeLabel; int treeSize = 0; while(sin >> token) { if(isalpha(token[0])) { stk.push(token); nodeLabel.push(treeSize); node[treeSize++] = TreeNode(token, "", "LEAF"); } else if(isdigit(token[token.length() - 1])) { stk.push(token); nodeLabel.push(treeSize); node[treeSize++] = TreeNode(token, "", "LEAF"); } else { B = stk.top(), stk.pop(); A = stk.top(), stk.pop(); int a, b; b = nodeLabel.top(), nodeLabel.pop(); a = nodeLabel.top(), nodeLabel.pop(); nodeLabel.push(treeSize); node[treeSize] = TreeNode(A, B, token); node[treeSize].l = a, node[treeSize].r = b; treeSize++; stk.push("INNER"); } } runTree(nodeLabel.top()); } char infix[262144], postfix[262144]; int main() { while(gets(infix) && infix[0] != '#') { trans(infix, postfix); for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++) oldVal[i] = Variable[i]; buildTree(postfix); int f = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { if(oldVal[i] != Variable[i]) { if(f) printf(", "); f = 1; printf("%c = %d", i + 'A', Variable[i]); } } if(f == 0) puts("No Change"); else puts(""); //printf("%s\n", postfix); } return 0; }
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