UVA Solution 171 - Car Trialling - Solution in C++ | Volume 1
UVA Online Judge Solution 171- Car Trialling | Volume 1
Problem Name: Car Trialling
Problem Number : UVA - 171
Online Judge : UVA Online Judge Solution
Volume: 1
Solution Language : C plus plus
Code Line - 851
UVA Solution 171 Code in CPP:
#include <stdio.h> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <map> #include <set> #include <queue> #include <stack> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <assert.h> using namespace std; #define HTMLProduction // #define DEBUG class Production { public: int label; string LHS; vector<string> RHS; Production(string L = "", vector<string> R = vector<string>(), int l=0) { LHS = L; RHS = R; label = l; } bool operator<(const Production &p) const { if(LHS != p.LHS) return LHS < p.LHS; for(size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < RHS.size() && j < p.RHS.size(); i++, j++) { if(RHS[i] != p.RHS[i]) return RHS[i] < p.RHS[i]; } return RHS.size() < p.RHS.size(); } bool operator==(const Production &p) const { if(LHS != p.LHS || RHS.size() != p.RHS.size()) return false; for(size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < RHS.size(); i++, j++) { if(RHS[i] != p.RHS[i]) return false; } return true; } bool operator!=(const Production &p) const { return !(*this == p); } void print() { printf("%s -> ", LHS.c_str()); for(size_t i = 0; i < RHS.size(); i++) printf("%s", RHS[i].c_str()); } }; class Grammar { public: /* LR parsing */ class ConfigurationSet { public: class State { public: int dot; vector<string> lookahead; State(int d=0, vector<string> l=vector<string>()): dot(d), lookahead(l) {} bool operator<(const State &x) const { return dot < x.dot; } bool operator!=(const State &x) const { return dot != x.dot; } }; set< pair<Production, State> > configs; int label; ConfigurationSet() { label = 0; } /* method */ static ConfigurationSet closure0(ConfigurationSet& s, Grammar& g); static ConfigurationSet go_to0(ConfigurationSet& s, string X, Grammar& g); void print(Grammar &g) { set< pair<Production, State> >::iterator it; Production p; for(it = configs.begin(); it != configs.end(); it++) { p = it->first; printf("%s ->", p.LHS.c_str()); for(size_t i = 0; i < p.RHS.size(); i++) { if(i == it->second.dot) printf("¡E"); printf(" %s ", p.RHS[i].c_str()); } if(it->second.dot == p.RHS.size()) printf("¡E"); printf(" ,{"); set<string> fset = g.follow_set[p.LHS]; for(set<string>::iterator jt = fset.begin(); jt != fset.end(); jt++) { if(jt != fset.begin()) cout << ", "; cout << *jt; } printf("}"); puts(""); } } bool operator<(const ConfigurationSet &x) const { if(configs.size() != x.configs.size()) return configs.size() < x.configs.size(); for(set< pair<Production, State> >::iterator it = configs.begin(), jt = x.configs.begin(); it != configs.end(); it++, jt++) { if(it->first != jt->first) return it->first < jt->first; if(it->second != jt->second) return it->second < jt->second; } return false; // return label < x.label; } }; static const string lambda; set<string> symbols; string start_symbol; vector<Production> rules; /* LL(1) attribute */ map<string, set<string> > first_set; map<string, set<string> > follow_set; map<string, bool> derives_lambda; map<string, map<string, Production> > lltable; /* LR attribute */ vector<ConfigurationSet> LRstates; map<int, map<string, int> > go_to_table; map<int, int> action_table; /* common method */ static bool isNonterminal(string token); void buildSymbols(); /* LL(1) method */ map<string, bool> mark_lambda(); void fill_first_set(); void fill_follow_set(); set<string> compute_first(vector<string> rhs); set<string> get_predict_set(Production p); void fill_lltable(); void lldriver(queue<string> tokens); /* LR method*/ void build_CFSM(); void build_action(); void lr0driver(queue<string> tokens); int slr1driver(queue<string> tokens); void lalr1driver(queue<string> tokens); /* homework */ void hw_build_CFSM(); }; /* ------------------------ ConfigurationSet method -------------------------- */ Grammar::ConfigurationSet Grammar::ConfigurationSet::closure0(ConfigurationSet& s, Grammar& g) { ConfigurationSet r = s; bool changes; string A; Production P; int dotPos; set< pair<Production, State> >::iterator it; do { changes = false; for(it = r.configs.begin(); it != r.configs.end(); it++) { P = it->first; dotPos = it->second.dot; if(dotPos >= P.RHS.size() || P.RHS[dotPos] == Grammar::lambda) continue; A = P.RHS[dotPos]; if(Grammar::isNonterminal(A)) { /* B -> x.Ay */ /* Predict productions with A as the left-hand side */ for(size_t i = 0; i < g.rules.size(); i++) { if(g.rules[i].LHS == A) { if(r.configs.find(make_pair(g.rules[i], State(0))) == r.configs.end()) { r.configs.insert(make_pair(g.rules[i], State(0))); changes = true; } } } } } } while(changes); return r; } Grammar::ConfigurationSet Grammar::ConfigurationSet::go_to0(ConfigurationSet& s, string X, Grammar& g) { ConfigurationSet sb; set< pair<Production, State> >::iterator it; Production P; int dotPos; for(it = s.configs.begin(); it != s.configs.end(); it++) { P = it->first; dotPos = it->second.dot; if(dotPos >= P.RHS.size() || P.RHS[dotPos] == Grammar::lambda) continue; if(P.RHS[dotPos] == X) { State state(dotPos + 1, it->second.lookahead); sb.configs.insert(make_pair(P, state)); } } return closure0(sb, g); } /* ------------------------ Grammar method -------------------------- */ const string Grammar::lambda("l"); set<string> Grammar::compute_first(vector<string> rhs) { set<string> result; size_t i; if(rhs.size() == 0 || rhs[0] == Grammar::lambda) { result.insert(Grammar::lambda); } else { result = first_set[rhs[0]]; for(i = 1; i < rhs.size() && first_set[rhs[i-1]].find(Grammar::lambda) != first_set[rhs[i-1]].end(); i++) { set<string> f = first_set[rhs[i]]; f.erase(Grammar::lambda); result.insert(f.begin(), f.end()); } if(i == rhs.size() && first_set[rhs[i-1]].find(Grammar::lambda) != first_set[rhs[i-1]].end()) { result.insert(Grammar::lambda); } else { result.erase(Grammar::lambda); } } return result; } /* * please call get_predict_set() after fill_follow_set() and fill_first_set() */ set<string> Grammar::get_predict_set(Production p) { set<string> result; set<string> rfirst; rfirst = compute_first(p.RHS); if(rfirst.find(Grammar::lambda) != rfirst.end()) { rfirst.erase(Grammar::lambda); result.insert(rfirst.begin(), rfirst.end()); rfirst = follow_set[p.LHS]; result.insert(rfirst.begin(), rfirst.end()); } else { result.insert(rfirst.begin(), rfirst.end()); } return result; } /* * */ void Grammar::fill_lltable() { string A; // nonterminal Production p; for(size_t i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) { p = rules[i]; A = p.LHS; set<string> predict_set = get_predict_set(p); for(set<string>::iterator it = predict_set.begin(); it != predict_set.end(); it++) { assert(lltable[A].find(*it) == lltable[A].end()); lltable[A][*it] = p; } } } void Grammar::buildSymbols() { symbols.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) { symbols.insert(rules[i].LHS); for(size_t j = 0; j < rules[i].RHS.size(); j++) { symbols.insert(rules[i].RHS[j]); } } } bool Grammar::isNonterminal(string token) { #ifdef HTMLProduction if(token == Grammar::lambda) return false; if(token[0] == '<' && token[token.length() - 1] == '>') return true; return false; #else if(token == Grammar::lambda) return false; for(size_t i = 0; i < token.length(); i++) { if(isupper(token[i])) return true; } return false; #endif } /* ------------------------ Grammar LL method -------------------------- */ map<string, bool> Grammar::mark_lambda() { bool rhs_derives_lambda; bool changes; Production p; derives_lambda.clear(); /* initially, nothing is marked. */ for(size_t i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) { derives_lambda[rules[i].LHS] = false; } do { changes = false; for(size_t i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) { p = rules[i]; if(!derives_lambda[p.LHS]) { if(p.RHS.size() == 0 || p.RHS[0] == Grammar::lambda) { changes = derives_lambda[p.LHS] = true; continue; } /* does each part of RHS derive lambda ? */ rhs_derives_lambda = derives_lambda[string(p.RHS[0])]; for(size_t j = 1; j < p.RHS.size(); j++) { rhs_derives_lambda &= derives_lambda[p.RHS[j]]; } if(rhs_derives_lambda) { changes = true; derives_lambda[p.LHS] = true; } } } } while(changes); return derives_lambda; } void Grammar::fill_first_set() { string A; // nonterminal string a; // terminal Production p; bool changes; mark_lambda(); first_set.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) { A = rules[i].LHS; if(derives_lambda[A]) first_set[A].insert(Grammar::lambda); } for(size_t i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) { for(size_t j = 0; j < rules[i].RHS.size(); j++) { a = rules[i].RHS[j]; if(!isNonterminal(a)) { if(a != Grammar::lambda) first_set[a].insert(a); if(j == 0) { // A -> aXX first_set[rules[i].LHS].insert(a); } } } } do { changes = false; for(size_t i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) { p = rules[i]; set<string> rfirst = compute_first(p.RHS); size_t oldsize = first_set[p.LHS].size(); first_set[p.LHS].insert(rfirst.begin(), rfirst.end()); size_t newsize = first_set[p.LHS].size(); if(oldsize != newsize) changes = true; } } while(changes); } void Grammar::fill_follow_set() { string A, B; // nonterminal Production p; bool changes; for(size_t i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) { A = rules[i].LHS; follow_set[A].clear(); } follow_set[start_symbol].insert(Grammar::lambda); do { changes = false; for(size_t i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) { /* A -> a B b * I.e. for each production and each occurrence * of a nonterminal in its right-hand side. */ p = rules[i]; A = p.LHS; for(size_t j = 0; j < p.RHS.size(); j++) { B = p.RHS[j]; if(isNonterminal(B)) { vector<string> beta(p.RHS.begin() + j + 1, p.RHS.end()); set<string> rfirst = compute_first(beta); size_t oldsize = follow_set[B].size(); if(rfirst.find(Grammar::lambda) == rfirst.end()) { follow_set[B].insert(rfirst.begin(), rfirst.end()); } else { rfirst.erase(Grammar::lambda); follow_set[B].insert(rfirst.begin(), rfirst.end()); rfirst = follow_set[A]; follow_set[B].insert(rfirst.begin(), rfirst.end()); } size_t newsize = follow_set[B].size(); if(oldsize != newsize) changes = true; } } } } while(changes); } void Grammar::lldriver(queue<string> tokens) { stack<string> stk; string X; string a; Production p; /* Push the Start Symbol onto an empty stack */ stk.push(start_symbol); while(!stk.empty() && !tokens.empty()) { X = stk.top(); a = tokens.front(); // cout << X << " " << a << endl; if(isNonterminal(X) && lltable[X].find(a) != lltable[X].end()) { p = lltable[X][a]; stk.pop(); for(int i = p.RHS.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(p.RHS[i] == Grammar::lambda) continue; stk.push(p.RHS[i]); } } else if(X == a) { stk.pop(); tokens.pop(); } else if(lltable[X].find(Grammar::lambda) != lltable[X].end()) { stk.pop(); } else { /* Process syntax error. */ puts("Bad!"); return; } } while(!stk.empty()) { X = stk.top(); if(lltable[X].find(Grammar::lambda) != lltable[X].end()) stk.pop(); else break; } if(tokens.size() == 0 && stk.size() == 0) puts("Good"); else puts("Bad!"); return; } /* ------------------------ Grammar LR method -------------------------- */ void Grammar::build_action() { ConfigurationSet s; Production P; int dotPos; set< pair<Production, ConfigurationSet::State> >::iterator it; for(size_t i = 0; i < LRstates.size(); i++) { s = LRstates[i]; int reduce = 0, rule = 0, accept = 1; for(it = s.configs.begin(); it != s.configs.end(); it++) { P = it->first, dotPos = it->second.dot; if(dotPos == P.RHS.size()) reduce++, rule = P.label; accept &= P.LHS == Grammar::start_symbol; } if(accept == 1) action_table[i] = 0; else if(reduce == 1) action_table[i] = -1; else action_table[i] = 1; } #ifdef DEBUG printf("State |"); for(size_t i = 0; i < LRstates.size(); i++) printf("%5d|", i); puts(""); printf("Action|"); for(size_t i = 0; i < action_table.size(); i++) { printf("%5d|", action_table[i]); } puts(""); #endif } void Grammar::build_CFSM() { set<ConfigurationSet> S; queue<ConfigurationSet> Q; ConfigurationSet s0, sb; int label = 0; ConfigurationSet::State state; state.dot = 0; state.lookahead = vector<string>(); state.lookahead.push_back(Grammar::lambda); for(size_t i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) { if(rules[i].LHS == this->start_symbol) { s0.configs.insert(make_pair(rules[i], state)); } } s0 = ConfigurationSet::closure0(s0, *this); s0.label = label++; S.insert(s0); Q.push(s0); buildSymbols(); /* hw need */ map<int, vector< pair<int, string> > > hwPrint; /* hw need */ while(!Q.empty()) { s0 = Q.front(), Q.pop(); LRstates.push_back(s0); for(set<string>::iterator it = symbols.begin(); it != symbols.end(); it++) { sb = ConfigurationSet::go_to0(s0, *it, *this); if(sb.configs.size() > 0) { if(S.find(sb) == S.end()) { sb.label = label++; S.insert(sb); Q.push(sb); } go_to_table[s0.label][*it] = (* S.find(sb)).label; /* hw need */ hwPrint[(* S.find(sb)).label].push_back(make_pair(s0.label, *it)); } } } // build_action(); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Total State: %d\n", label); for(int i = 0; i < label; i++) { if(hwPrint[i].size() > 0) { printf("State %d from", i); for(vector< pair<int, string> >::iterator it = hwPrint[i].begin(); it != hwPrint[i].end(); it++) { printf("%cState %d(%s)", it == hwPrint[i].begin() ? ' ' : ',', it->first, it->second.c_str()); } puts(""); } else { printf("State %d\n", i); } LRstates[i].print(*this); puts(""); } #endif } int Grammar::slr1driver(queue<string> tokens) { stack<int> stateStk; stack<string> tokenStk; int state; string X; stateStk.push(0); /* push start state */ while(!tokens.empty()) { state = stateStk.top(); X = tokens.front(); #ifdef DEBUG puts(""); printf("state %d front %s\n", state, X.c_str()); LRstates[state].print(*this); for (std::stack<int> dump = stateStk; !dump.empty(); dump.pop()) std::cout << "state stack "<< dump.top() << '\n'; for (std::stack<string> dump = tokenStk; !dump.empty(); dump.pop()) std::cout << "token stack "<< dump.top() << '\n'; #endif int reduce = 0, shift = 0; Production P; for(set< pair<Production, ConfigurationSet::State> >::iterator it = LRstates[state].configs.begin(); it != LRstates[state].configs.end(); it++) { Production q = it->first; ConfigurationSet::State s = it->second; if(follow_set[q.LHS].find(X) != follow_set[q.LHS].end() && (s.dot == q.RHS.size() || q.RHS[0] == Grammar::lambda)) { reduce++; P = q; } } if(go_to_table[state].find(X) != go_to_table[state].end()) shift++; if(reduce + shift >= 2) assert(false); // grammar can't use simple LR. if(reduce + shift == 0) return 0; if(reduce == 1) { // Reduce for(size_t i = 0; i < P.RHS.size(); i++) tokenStk.pop(), stateStk.pop(); tokenStk.push(P.LHS); state = stateStk.top(); if(go_to_table[state].find(P.LHS) == go_to_table[state].end()) { return 0; } state = go_to_table[state][P.LHS]; stateStk.push(state); } else { // shift state = go_to_table[state][X]; stateStk.push(state); tokenStk.push(X); tokens.pop(); } } while(!stateStk.empty()) { state = stateStk.top(); X = Grammar::lambda; #ifdef DEBUG puts(""); printf("state %d front %s\n", state, X.c_str()); LRstates[state].print(*this); for (std::stack<int> dump = stateStk; !dump.empty(); dump.pop()) std::cout << "state stack "<< dump.top() << '\n'; for (std::stack<string> dump = tokenStk; !dump.empty(); dump.pop()) std::cout << "token stack "<< dump.top() << '\n'; #endif int reduce = 0, shift = 0; Production P; for(set< pair<Production, ConfigurationSet::State> >::iterator it = LRstates[state].configs.begin(); it != LRstates[state].configs.end(); it++) { Production q = it->first; ConfigurationSet::State s = it->second; if(follow_set[q.LHS].find(X) != follow_set[q.LHS].end() && (s.dot == q.RHS.size() || q.RHS[0] == Grammar::lambda)) { reduce++; P = q; } } if(go_to_table[state].find(X) != go_to_table[state].end()) shift++; if(reduce + shift >= 2) assert(false); // grammar can't use simple LR. if(reduce + shift == 0) return 0; if(reduce == 1) { // Reduce for(size_t i = 0; i < P.RHS.size(); i++) tokenStk.pop(), stateStk.pop(); tokenStk.push(P.LHS); state = stateStk.top(); if(go_to_table[state].find(P.LHS) == go_to_table[state].end()) { if(P.LHS == Grammar::start_symbol) return 1; return 0; } state = go_to_table[state][P.LHS]; stateStk.push(state); } else { // shift state = go_to_table[state][X]; stateStk.push(state); tokenStk.push(X); tokens.pop(); } } return 0; } void parsingProduction(string r, Grammar &g) { static int production_label = 0; stringstream sin(r); string lhs, foo; vector<string> tokens; sin >> lhs >> foo; while(sin >> foo) tokens.push_back(foo); Production p(lhs, tokens); p.label = ++production_label; g.rules.push_back(p); } bool isNumber(string str) { for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { if(!isdigit(str[i])) return false; } return true; } int scanTokens(char s[], queue<string>& tokens, vector<string>& val) { string keyword[18] = {"AND", "THEN", "GO", "KEEP", "RIGHT", "LEFT", "FIRST", "SECOND", "THIRD", "AT", "RECORD", "TIME", "TO", "KMH", "CHANGE", "AVERAGE", "SPEED", "CAS"}; for(int i = 0; s[i]; i++) { if(s[i] == '"') { // s-word can't empty, and after the opening speech marks no more space. if(s[i + 1] == '"' || isspace(s[i + 1])) return 0; i++; while(s[i] != '"') { if(isupper(s[i])) {} else if(isspace(s[i])) {s[i] = '_';} else if(s[i] == '.') { if(isspace(s[i - 1]) || s[i - 1] == '_') { return 0; } } else { return 0; } i++; } if(s[i] == '\0' || isspace(s[i - 1]) || s[i - 1] == '_') return 0; } } stringstream sin(s); string token; while(sin >> token) { int f = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 18; i++) { if(token == keyword[i]) tokens.push(token), val.push_back(token), f = 1; } if(f) continue; if(token[0] == '"') tokens.push("SIGNWORDS"), val.push_back(token), f = 1; if(f) continue; if(isNumber(token)) tokens.push("NNN"), val.push_back(token), f = 1; if(f) continue; return 0; } return 1; } int main() { // freopen("in.txt", "r+t", stdin); // freopen("out.txt", "w+t", stdout); Grammar g; parsingProduction("<instruction> -> <navigational>", g); parsingProduction("<instruction> -> <time-keeping>", g); parsingProduction("<instruction> -> <navigational> AND <time-keeping>", g); parsingProduction("<navigational> -> <directional>", g); parsingProduction("<navigational> -> <navigational> AND THEN <directional>", g); parsingProduction("<directional> -> <how> <direction>", g); parsingProduction("<directional> -> <how> <direction> <where>", g); parsingProduction("<how> -> GO", g); parsingProduction("<how> -> GO <when>", g); parsingProduction("<how> -> KEEP", g); parsingProduction("<direction> -> RIGHT", g); parsingProduction("<direction> -> LEFT", g); parsingProduction("<when> -> FIRST", g); parsingProduction("<when> -> SECOND", g); parsingProduction("<when> -> THIRD", g); parsingProduction("<where> -> AT <sign>", g); parsingProduction("<sign> -> SIGNWORDS", g); parsingProduction("<time-keeping> -> <record>", g); parsingProduction("<time-keeping> -> <change>", g); parsingProduction("<record> -> RECORD TIME", g); parsingProduction("<change> -> <cas> TO NNN KMH", g); parsingProduction("<cas> -> CHANGE AVERAGE SPEED", g); parsingProduction("<cas> -> CAS", g); g.start_symbol = "<instruction>"; g.fill_first_set(); g.fill_follow_set(); g.build_CFSM(); char line[1024]; int cases = 0; while(gets(line)) { if(!strcmp(line, "#")) break; queue<string> tokens; vector<string> val; int f = scanTokens(line, tokens, val); printf("%3d.", ++cases); if(!f) { puts(" Trap!"); continue; } f = g.slr1driver(tokens); if(!f) { puts(" Trap!"); continue; } for(int i = 0; i < val.size(); i++) { if(val[i][0] == '"') for(int j = 0; j < val[i].length(); j++) if(val[i][j] == '_') val[i][j] = ' '; printf(" %s", val[i].c_str()); } puts(""); } return 0; }
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